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PLEASE READ THE WIKI/FAQ BEFORE POSTING ANY QUESTIONS Subreddit Rules: 1: No empty news articles without analysis News articles and trades ideas should be posted with your analysis or an accompanying question. Only post an article with your analysis in the comments. Also, posting a link to an article you read is fine, but you are not allowed to post a link to an article you've written in hopes of gaming traffic or promoting your work, thus leads us to rule #2 below.


2: No links to your personal or corporate blog, your YouTube channel, trade signal services, brokerage services, anything related to binary options, or the like. General spirit of this rule: If you're really only posting here to bring attention to yourself or your site, regardless of the context or how 'free' the content is, you shouldn't post it here. 3: No Promotional Activity Content marketing is not allowed.

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The Wurlitzer Lyric was made by Conn in the late 1800 and early 1900. It was made with a.459 bore. If that serial number is Conn's serial number and not Wurlitzer's then that horn was manufactured in 1879. Wurlitzer lyric cornet serial numbers lookup.

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Users posting empty trades will find them removed. You must be willing to explain your analysis and reasoning for the trade. Please do not ask for trading advice.

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Do your own analysis. 6: Crypto There are a plethora of subs devoted to the various crypto topics. This sub deals with fiat currencies backed by governments. Refrain from discussing crypto. Also, any conspiracy thought about crypto replacing Forex is considered a troll post and will see that poster escorted out.

7: Memes Memes are really not that welcome here. Please keep them to the weekend discussion thread only.

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