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Status: LICENSED License Expires: Status Date: Facility Id: 11259 Community of License: BURLINGTON, VT Service: Digital TV Facility Type: Commercial Television Station [CDT] Licensee: MISSION BROADCASTING, INC. Licensee Address: 30400 DETROIT ROAD SUITE 304 WESTLAKE, OH (440)526-2227 [phone] Main Studio Address: 298 Mountain View Drive Colchester,VT 591300 Ext. Closed Captioning Contact: Greg Towne Director Of Engineering 298 Mountain View Drive Colchester, VT 05446 802-660-9333 [phone] 802-660-8673 [fax] General Resources.
The following excerpt from, gives us a good idea of why this programme was made “PRICE: If there are now bombs going off above ground, in this case a lorry being attacked, it could happen anywhere, so the potential for mass panic across not just the capital, but the whole country, is very much with us. I think therefore we need to look at more serious measures. V for vendetta books. We do have reserve powers in effect to take over the BBC if we were to wish to, and to get them to broadcast whatever we wanted them to broadcast. Those powers are there in the Broadcasting Act.
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