Fn Browning M1922 Serial Numbers

Browning Model 1922 Beat your plowshares into swords, and your pruning hooks into spears; let the weak say, 'I am a warrior.' Joel 3:10 Browning Model 1922 Pistol By LTC Joel Johnston (Ret), US Army Ordnance Corps Browning 1922 Browning Model 1922 Circa 1923,1940, and1944 History: The Browning Model 1922 is an interesting pistol that is under appreciated in the United States. It was a modification of the Model 1910.
The M1910 is the gun that started WWI when members of the Black Hand assassinated Arch Duke Ferdinand and Princess Sophie in Serbia. The Kingdom of Serbs, Croats, and Slovenes (Yugoslavia) asked Fabrique Nationale to extend the M1910s barrel, slide, and lengthen the grip thus allowing two more rounds in the magazine. This customer modification became the M1922 and was THE European pistol of the 1920-30s.
Aug 03, 2013 FN Browning Model 1922 in 7.65. The serial numbers are hard. I have dug out some info from Anthony Vanderlinden's 'FN Browning Pistols'. The serial number. The FN Model 1910, also known as the Browning model 1910, was a departure for Browning. An FN M1910, serial number 19074, chambered in.380 ACP.
The very first ones were delivered to Yugoslavia in 1923-1925. The pistol was contracted by numerous countries and manufactured until the early 80s. Calibers were 32 ACP and 380 ACP. See note on calibers: 7.65mm=32ACP 9x17=9mm Browning Short=9mm Kurz=380ACP One of the best features of the M1922 is the lack of interest in the US. Yes, this is a goofy looking pistol, but once you get used to its long snout, you will like the balance and the function of this European mainstay. Lack of American interest means low prices as well. There are many out there to be had in the $300 range and most were not imported; they were bought back by American WWII soldiers who liberated them from the Germans.

The M1922 definitely belongs in any WWII gun collection as they were used extensively by the Luftwaffe, German Government, SS, and partisans. There is not a lot of information out there about the various varieties, but the following chart attempts to capture what is known. Manufactures and Varieties: Type Marks Caliber Serial Range Notes Yugo Cyrillic 'Property of State' 380 1-60000 Many captured during WWII, German designated P641j Dutch Crown W, Post 1948 Crown J 32/380 Used by Dutch police and military in 1930s-1960s.
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Greece 380 9980 ordered Delivered 1926-29, used by Army and Air Force Turkey 3 Types as below Ordered for Turkish Army type 1 TC Subay type 2 TC Ordusuna Mahsustur type 3 Subaylara Mahsustur Romania Interior Ministry Crest Ordered in 1935 for law enforcement France Naval Anchor 32 Black baked enamel, post-war reworks are green parkerized. Dennmark 32 3000 ordered Police issue 1930s. Germany WaA613 Only 6300 with this mark, German designated P626b for 32 and P641b for 380. Captured Dutch order 380 0 Ordered for Dutch police, never got delivered, captured by Germans in 1940 captured FN commercial 32/380 200 Captured by Germans in 1940 for commercial FN sales, captured pre-war parts 32 0 Assembled for Germans with pre-exixting parts, pressed into German service. Germany WaA10-60000 Some pre-war parts, more common than the WaA613 Germany WaA10-155000 Most common, went to German letter suffix system, 325,000 made, poor quality Post WWII 32/380 A-Prefix, used by German and French police, imported until 1968, many varieties. Click to Enlarge Browning M1922 Gallery.
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