Wow Addon Power Auras 335a Download

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If you like or not this mod, please just say it to help me make it better This Mod was created to have a better visibility when you gain buffs, debuffs and many more. Very util for shorts buffs or debuffs, it allows you to have in the center of the screen, or around your character, very customizable visual effects, rather than all the time have to look on the other side of the screen to see if you have a buff or a debuff on you. Initially created to have an better visibility on the short buffs like 'clear cast' or some boost trinket you activate, it works now with debuffs (whatever their name), debuff types like Magic or Curse, combo points, Aoe debuffs and weapon enchants. How to use: 1- Type /powa, to open the effect browser 2- Clic on the button 'New' to create a new effect 3- On the effect editor, you can choose the texture to apply to the effect, the position, the size, the symmetry, be creative:P 4- Below, select the activator of the effect (like a buff, debuff, etc.) 5- Enter the name of the buff, debuff. Juste below (or a part of the buff, like 'clear' for activation with the buff 'clear cast'). Don't forget to read the tooltips for more help on ways to enter the names 6- It's ready!

Close all windows, when you gain the buff/debuff, the effect appear You can so easily add new textures by adding them in the 'Custom' Directory - = Updates: =- Version 2.34: -------------- + Added an effect activation when a specific action is ready or not in your action bars. - Finally, corrected the bug that cause some weapon enchant effect don't appear normally. As some of you might have noticed for the brief time my project was available, I tried to pickup this addon for 2.4, incorporating fan made changes of the last year and a few bugfixes/ features of my own. More importantly bringing it up to 2.4 where features broke due to recent combatlog changes.

Site admins would like a clear indication that the current project is discontinued, before allowing it to be adopted by another author (a policy I agree with and applaud). So this is a call for Sinsthar to post here or PM the site admins if he/she intends to provide fixes/upgrades to the addon or gives permission to another author to continue his work.

Changes compared to the version here that are included in my release: (Garstiger submitted features from PowerAuras Continued) -- exact names option for buffs -- Event for Health and Mana threshold -- Global Cooldown option + timer for 'Action usable' -- Sound alert option auras. Some Blizzard sounds or own wav, mp3 files. Theres an issue when two players cast the same debuff. It starts tracking whenever the first debuff lands, not when you cast your debuff (Such as two feral druids using Rip). Also, as mentioned before, the timer does not refresh if the current debuff is already applied. For the first, maybe add a check box to say filter own debuffs only? The second, I suppose you'd have to link the timer to the current WoW interface timer (If other people are applying the same debuff (Druid Mangle)) Sorry to be so specific, but this is the first add on of this kind, and I'd like to have all the feral druids using this to help us slay Kael and Beyond!

(All three of us ). So far, it's workin fine with the 2.1.3 patch. And it only affects your UI. No one else will be able to see them. And the reason there's 5 timers, is that you can have them on your screen running at the same time. For instance, setting a buff to 'timer 1' and putting it on the right side of the screen will show the timer/buff on the right, and setting another to 'timer 2' and putting it on the left side, will show the timer/buff on the left. Meaning, if you're hit by two buffs and don't want your timers to overlap, set them to different timer slots.

Hope that helps. I'm working on a few more custom textures, but I'm curious to see what other folks have made. Should anyone have a collection they'd like to share, of know of where one is being hosted, please contact me or post here.

Power Auras Classic v4 Designed to give visual or audible cues to the user in response to in-game events, such as gaining buffs or debuffs. Types of cues range from simple texture displays to stack counters, timers to timer bars, and are fully user-configurable. Can be animated or have sounds attached as well. If you upgraded to Power Auras 5, it is recommended that you remove it and restore your old WTF folder configuration files for PowerAuras if possible.


If you did not upgrade to Power Auras 5, everything should work as normal. The GTFO Addon will work with both Power Auras 4 and Power Auras 5 and no update is necessary. Slash commands • '/pa' - Brings up the configuration menu.

• '/powa' - Brings up the configuration menu. Plugins • What changed so far • The addon is fully updated for Mists of Pandaria, ids, spells, classes, power and instance types, api changes, etc. • Also the addon is going to properly work in older game clients too. Blank posescheniya uroka psihologom. • The addon's whole GUI menu got tweaked up, bugged parts are fixed. • Added new fonts, texture, sounds.

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