Umar Hajyom Sherlari

Farobiy, Temur Malik, Jaloliddin Manguberdi, Umar Hayyom, Mirzo Ulug'bek. Abdulҳamid Chўlpon sherlari 100% bepul Uzbekistonda.

Avval tafakkurda tug‘ilib, keyin qalb qo‘riga yo‘g‘rilgan Umar Xayyom ruboiylari, bir so‘z bilan aytganda, Olam va Odam haqida. Shoir dunyo evrilishlariga donishmandona bosiqlik, taassuf aralash loqaydlik bilan qaraydi: dunyoni o‘zgartirishki qo‘lingdan kelmas ekan, uni deb qayg‘urish behuda. Uning uchun tug‘ilish va o‘lim, yaxshilik va yomonlik, halol va harom — bir xil: hammasi o‘z tabiiy qonuniyatiga asoslanadi. Dunyoviy falsafa vakili sifatida Xayyom dunyoni aql elagida elaydi — Olam va Odam muammosini umumfalsafa mezoni bilan o‘lchaydi. Shu ma’noda, Xayyom ijodida biz odamdan ham, olamdan ham ustun turadigan — dunyoni qamrab oladigan shafqatsiz falsafaga duch kelamiz. Lekin farang faylasufi Laroshfuko: «Falsafa o‘tmish va kelajak kulfatlari ustidan tantana qiladi, lekin bugunning qayg‘usi falsafa ustidan tantana qiladi», — degani kabi Umar Xayyom ruboiylari ham buyuk mutafakkirning falsafiy mezonlariga bo‘ysunmagan, ularni yorib chiqqan zalvorli fikrlar po‘rtanasi, beorom qalbiga sig‘magan otashin tuyg‘ular silsilasidir.

Ilova haqidagi fikr va mulohazalaringizni yozib qoldirishni unutmang!

• • Abdulrahman 'the Elder' ibn Umar • Zayd 'the Younger' ibn Umar • Ubaydallah ibn Umar • Az-Zubayr ' Abu Shahmah' ibn Bakkar • • Abdulrahman 'the Middle' (Abu'l-Mujabbar) ibn Umar • Iyaad ibn Umar • Abdulrahman 'the Younger' ibn Umar • Zayd 'the Elder' ibn Umar • • Fatima bint Umar • Ruqayya bint Umar • Zaynab bint Umar Full name ‘Umar ibn Al-Khaṭṭāb: عمر بن الخطاب‎ () Father Mother Hantamah binti Hisham Venerated in All of ( honor rather than venerate him). Umar ( ), also spelled Omar (;: عمر بن الخطاب‎ ʻUmar ibn al-Khaṭṭāb, 'Umar, Son of Al-Khattab'; c. 584 CE – 3 November 644 CE), was one of the most powerful and influential Muslim in history. He was a senior of the. He succeeded (632–634) as the second caliph of the on 23 August 634.

He was an expert Muslim known for his pious and just nature, which earned him the Al-Farooq ('the one who distinguishes (between right and wrong)'). He is sometimes referred to as Umar I by historians of, since a later caliph,, also bore that name. Under Umar, the caliphate expanded at an unprecedented rate, ruling the and more than two-thirds of the. His attacks against the Sasanian Empire resulted in the in less than two years (642–644). According to Jewish tradition, Umar set aside the ban on and allowed them into and to worship. Umar was eventually killed by the Persian (known as ‘Abū-Lū‘lū‘ah in Arabic) in 644 CE. Umar is revered in the tradition as a great ruler and paragon of Islamic virtues, and some hadiths identify him as the second greatest of the Sahaba after Abu Bakr.

He is viewed negatively in the tradition. Contents • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Early life Umar was born in to the clan, which was responsible for arbitration among the tribes. His father was and his mother was Hantama bint Hisham, from the tribe of. In his youth he used to tend to his father's camels in the plains near Mecca. His merchant father was famed for his intelligence among his tribe. Umar himself said: 'My father, Al-Khattab was a ruthless man. He used to make me work hard; if I didn't work he used to beat me and he used to work me to exhaustion.' Microsoft windows virtual desktop.

Despite literacy being uncommon in pre-Islamic Arabia, Umar learned to read and write in his youth. Though not a poet himself, he developed a love for poetry and literature. According to the tradition of, while still in his teenage years, Umar learned, horse riding and wrestling. He was tall, physically powerful and a renowned wrestler. He was also a gifted orator who succeeded his father as an arbitrator among the tribes. Umar became a merchant and made several journeys to and, where he is said to have met various scholars and analyzed Roman and societies.

As a merchant he was unsuccessful. Like others around him, Umar was fond of drinking in his pre-Islamic days. During Muhammad's era Initial hostility to Islam In 610 started preaching the message of Islam. Like many others in Mecca, Umar opposed Islam and he even threatened to kill Muhammad. He resolved to defend the traditional polytheistic religion of.


He was adamant and cruel in opposing Muhammad and very prominent in persecuting Muslims. He recommended Muhammad's death. He firmly believed in the unity of the Quraish and saw the new faith of Islam as a cause of division and discord.

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Due to persecution, Muhammad ordered some of his followers to When a small group of Muslims migrated, Umar became worried about the future unity of the Quraish and decided to have Muhammad assassinated. Conversion to Islam Umar in 616, one year after the.

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