Torrent Blacklist Episode 13

Critic Consensus: The Blacklist is back in top form with fresh dangers that put Red on the ropes while giving James Spader room to. Show More Episodes. Episode synopsis with possible spoilers: [spoiler](#s 'When bodies are discovered in abandoned woods, Red points the Task Force toward The.
The Blacklist airs Thursday nights at 10:00/9:00c on NBC. Live episode discussions and next day post episode discussions will be conducted when the show is airing. About the Show For decades, ex-government agent Raymond Reddington (James Spader) has been one of the FBI's most wanted fugitives. Brokering shadowy deals for criminals across the globe, Red was known by many as 'The Concierge of Crime'. Spoiler Policy: • No Spoilers in the titles, they will be removed. • Tag any post that may potentially contain spoilers with [Spoilers].
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Typing: [spoiler](#s 'I call it the Blacklist.' ) gives you: Posting Policy • Be polite and use. Abusive behavior will result in immediate ban. • No Junk Media. Official show media and reliable media sources are welcome.

• No memes or captioned images. Topical gifs allowed only in comments, crap gifs may be removed. • Garbage posts will be removed, mods will decide if the post is garbage. Junk blogs, clickbaits, tumblr shit, NSFW/Kink, HIFW/MRW/DAE are never going to be ok here. • No references to or requests for unsanctioned streaming or torrents. No unsanctioned leaks. • Don't continually whine or piss off the mods.
We have a low level of patience for that crap. Episode Discussions Season 1 Season 2 Season 3 Season 4 Season 5 Season 6 • S6E1 • S6E2 • S6E1 + 2 • S6E3 • S6E3 • S6E4 • S6E4 Cast • • • • • • Official Links • • • • • • Recommended Subreddits • • • •. I wouldn’t immediately assume that.
My son dressed as a police officer for Halloween and being the perfectionist mom I am, I paid an extra $15 to get him a realistic metal badge and the one I got looked exactly like that one. It could just be a prop. Or you could be correct, of course.
No offense intended. I’m just saying I’m not going to assume he’s a US Marshall yet until I hear it stated on the show. There’s too many fans out on these boards who will concoct long-winded stories based on him being a US Marshall and I think we need to wait a bit. Good traffic freeware for fs2004 project. And just to add.many people here are convinced that Garvey wears a Naval Academy ring and therefore assume he graduated from the Naval Academy and possibly was even there the night of the fire. All of that may very well turn out to be true.(I’d certainly find that interesting).or the prop department simply gave the character “a ring that suggests he graduated from a law enforcement academy and/or is current working in law enforcement” So with badges or rings.I’ll wait to see how the show actually explains it. I was a little surprised Dom didn’t tell Liz who he was.
I mean Red practically gave him permission to do so last season, more than once. And seeing how Liz has found out that Red is her father, why couldn’t Dom spill the beans as to he is.? And why was he so adamant on the phone to Red that Red should tell Liz. Again that she deserves to know. I know a lot of people are thinking because he’s Redarina. But I don’t think even if Red is Katarina that it should stop Dom from telling Liz who he is to her. Dom also was very uncomfortable with talking to Liz about whether her mother was alive or not.
Oh for sure she’s dead now or she would have already appeared unless the dreaded Rederina is real. Which I don’t believe. There aren’t really many good reasons for her to be hiding this long. Everyone clearly believes she’s along dead on all sides, her daughter had been in a few dozen major life threatening situations that she def could have helped in, she’s got a grandkid etc. If she was secretly alive and felt she needed to hide it from I could understand but as now he is the active parent in Liz’s life that holds a lot less water.
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