Skript Dlya Otpravki Voln Travian T4

This work Travian 4.4 script Download Script Link: Download Gpack: Script In no graphics, icon and img package Installation: localhost/install and finish. Conf/database.php edit your database 2. GameEngine/Database/' connection.php ' copy s1/GameEngine/Database/ paste.
Permit matters for foreign nationals were transferred from the police to the Finnish Immigration Service. Eastern Uusimaa Police Department We are responsible for police operations in 15 municipalities in Eastern and Central Uusimaa. Prostoj payaljnij fen svoimi rukami 3. Kari Rantala is our Police Chief.

Aug 08, 2015 Re: Travian t4.4 script full no bug Installing using only the full script (with gpack inside) did work, although: - The register page doesn't seem to match the MD5 method from other versions (4.2 ones), pehabs that hash function doesn't work very good. Travian Kingdoms takes place in an ancient world. As the leader of a local tribe, your mission is to create a better future for your people. Choose to be either king or governor and coordinate your strategy with other players to control resources, armies and territory.
- суббота 09 марта
- 72