Shutochnaya Biografiya Yubilyara

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Contents • • • • • • • • • • • History [ ] Yunnan Baiyao was developed by a Chinese man named Qu Huanzhang from in. [ ] He had set out to explore the entire region and taste its hundreds of herbs. In 1902, he formulated 'Qu Huanzhang Panacea' which became Yunnan Baiyao ('White medicine from Yunnan') In the of 1938 (between Chinese and Japanese forces), Mr. Qu Huanzhang donated more than 30,000 bottles of Yunnan Baiyao to the Chinese, supposedly saving the lives of many soldiers. [ ] As an indication of its value, it is noted that during the 1940s, army commander Wu Xuexian was seriously injured in his right leg. The French hospital in Kunming (capital of Yunnan) recommended amputation to save Wu's life.

Murder set pieces torrent. Wu turned to Qu for help, and to everyone's surprise, recovered without the need for an amputation. Yunnan Baiyao gained the reputation as a miracle remedy.

After the death of Qu, his wife, Liao Lanying, donated the secret prescription to the government. In 1935, pharmacist Qu Huanzhang registered a trademark using his own image. This was Yunnan Baiyao's earliest attempt at (IP) protection. Qu's wife Liao Lanying donated the drug recipe in 1956 to the government. Large-scale production of Yunnan Baiyao began. The Yunnan Baiyao Factory was established in 1971, but the company did not focus on IP protection until the late-1990s, when counterfeit products began affecting the company's business.

During this period it registered a series of similar trademarks, including 'Yunfeng' and 'Yunnan Baiyao.' In 2004, the brand was valued at 2.18 billion yuan (US$269 million), ranking 263rd in the World Economic Forum and the World Brand Lab's list of the top 500 Chinese brands. Patent achievements [ ] In the years prior to 2005, the company spent nearly 1 million yuan (US$123,300) on patent registration, industrialization of patent products and technological innovation. The company applied for three invention patents in 2002. The total number of patents reached 14 in 2004. As of October 2005, the company has applied for 36 invention patents and 40 design patents. Formula [ ] The exact formula of Yunnan Baiyao is a.

The company website mentions that the steroid is in the formula, in addition to several,. The separate herbal ingredients are reportedly compounded by thirteen separate teams, none of whom have any knowledge of the ingredients the other teams are mixing. The individual mixed components are then combined by a further team, who have no knowledge of what constitutes them but knows the proportions in which they are combined. [ ] and, s found in ( Panax ginseng) and ( Panax pseudoginseng), have been detected in Yunnan Baiyao powder formulations through capillary supercritical fluid.

Yunnan Baiyao should not be used with alcohol or when pregnant. In December 2010, purported lists of ingredients were published on the websites of and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). The list supposedly containing eight active ingredients of a liquid form of the drug were found in a document published on the FDA website that contains correspondence between the FDA and a distributor of the drug. Ingredient lists were also present in the product information sections for the powdered and capsule forms of the drug on The proportions and exact manufacturing processes are still unknown.

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