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Torrent crack anno 1701 serial no. Background: Bleeding after percutaneous coronary interventions (PCI) is an important complication with impact on prognosis. Aim: To evaluate the predictive value of enhanced platelet responsiveness to dual antiplatelet therapy with aspirin and clopidogrel, for bleeding, after elective PCI. Method and results: We performed multiple electrode aggregometry (MAE) platelet functional tests induced by arachidonic acid (ASPI) and adenosine-diphosphate (ADP) before PCI, and 24 hours after PCI, in 481 elective PCI patients who were followed-up for an average of 15.34±7.19 months. Primary end point was the occurrence of any bleeding, while ischemic major adverse cardiovascular event (MACE) was a secondary endpoint. The incidence of total, BARC≤2, and BARC≥3 bleeding, according to BARC classification, was 19%, 18% and 1%, respectively.
Short Communication Gastroprotective effects of Nigella Sativa oil on the formation of stress gastritis in hypothyroidal rats Khaled A. Abdel-Sater Department of Physiology, Faculty of Medicine for Boys, Al-Azhar University Assiut branch, Assiut, Egypt. Write something about yourself. No need to be fancy, just an overview. No Archives Categories.
Groups with any, and BARC≤2 bleeding, had a lower average value of MAE ADP test after 24h, compared to the group without bleeding: 45.30±18.63 U vs. 50.99±19.01 U; p=0.005.
- четверг 02 мая
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