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All rights to photos belong to Pavlovo Posad Shawl Manufactory, Co. Placing them on other websites is prohibited. Package ‘Rmosek’ February 15, 2019 Version 1.3.2 Title The R to MOSEK Optimization Interface Author MOSEK ApS Contact MOSEK ApS Description This is a generic meta-package designed to make the optimization facilities of MOSEK available from the R.

CRAN - Package PMCMR PMCMR: Calculate Pairwise Multiple Comparisons of Mean Rank Sums Note, that the 'PMCMR' package is superseded by the novel 'PMCMRplus' package. The 'PMCMRplus' package contains all functions from 'PMCMR' and many more parametric and non-parametric multiple comparison procedures, one-factorial trend tests, as well as improved method functions, such as print, summary and plot. The 'PMCMR' package is no longer maintained, but kept for compatibility of reverse depending packages for some time. Version: 4.3 Depends: R (≥ 3.0.0), stats, base Suggests:,, graphics Published: 2018-05-19 Author: Thorsten Pohlert Maintainer: Thorsten Pohlert License: NeedsCompilation: no Citation: Materials: CRAN checks: Downloads: Reference manual: Vignettes: Package source: Windows binaries: r-devel:, r-release:, r-oldrel: OS X binaries: r-release:, r-oldrel: Old sources: Reverse dependencies: Reverse imports: Reverse suggests: Linking: Please use the canonical form to link to this page.

Contents • • • • • • • • • • Understand [ ] Nisyros, with fewer than 1000 permanent inhabitants, is famous for having the only 'active' volcano in Greece together with Santorini (Thyra). The island is essentially a volcanic cone with a large collapsed caldera in the center.

It is possible to walk into the volcanic crater and view the smoking fumaroles at close hand. There are two main villages on the island; Mandraki in the north-west (where the ferries dock) and Nikia, up on the edge of the volcanic rim to the south. In Nikia the people are not Nisirians, they are Nikiates. They inhabited Nisyros hunted from pirates and settled there around 1600. Still today when asked they never say 'I am from Nisyros' the say i am from Nikia.

Get in [ ] By sea [ ] Nisyros is one of the stops for ferries that run between (on the Greek mainland) and, with other nearby stops being at,. Sailings are not to a regular daily schedule and become less frequent in the winter months.

In addition, a fast catamaran service runs to Rhodes on some days (via Tilos), and many tourist boats bring day-trippers over from Kos each morning, returning early afternoon. Get around [ ] Mandraki and Nikea are small enough to stroll around on foot. To travel between the two there is an occasional bus service, or you can take a taxi. Alternatively, it is a half day hike between the two villages, via the volcanic crater. There is one car and motorcycle rental based on the main port.

Pali Harbour - Marilyn & Mike at Eagle's Nest Car & Bike Rental - Friendly service and very helpful - See [ ] [ ] The walk in volcanic crater. A path leads down to the yellow sulphur stained floor where you can walk up to and view the steaming vents. Do [ ] [ ] Hike between Nikea and Mandraki via the volcanic crater. Aline barros infantil.

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