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Ogden Toyota Under Fire_ Lessons for Turning Crisis into Opportunity -McGraw-Hill (2011) fichier pdf As I lived through the Toyota recall crisis I got frustrated that there was so much misinformation propagated by the mainstream media. At the time I was working with Tim Ogden who was helping on a book about Toyota leadership and we decided to put that aside for the moment and focus on the crisis. This book begins with an explanation of the Toyota Way and how it brought Toyota from a small back woods loom maker to becoming one of the most admired companies leading up to the twin crises of the Great Recession and the recalls. We describe and analyze in detail how Toyota responded to the recession and then in rapid fire succession the first major attack on their credibility as a company spearheaded by the American media and trial lawyers with their expert witnesses.
Toyota's response in both cases was to follow the Toyota Way to emerge from both crises stronger than ever. There are lessons to learn for any company going through a crisis. Jeff Liker Facebook.
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Liker, Timothy N. Ogden Toyota Under Fire_ Lessons for Turning Crisis into Opportunity -McGraw-Hill (2011) fichier pdf As I lived through the Toyota recall crisis I got frustrated that there was so much misinformation propagated by the mainstream media. At the time I was working with Tim Ogden who was helping on a book about Toyota leadership and we decided to put that aside for the moment and focus on the crisis. This book begins with an explanation of the Toyota Way and how it brought Toyota from a small back woods loom maker to becoming one of the most admired companies leading up to the twin crises of the Great Recession and the recalls. We describe and analyze in detail how Toyota responded to the recession and then in rapid fire succession the first major attack on their credibility as a company spearheaded by the American media and trial lawyers with their expert witnesses.
Toyota's response in both cases was to follow the Toyota Way to emerge from both crises stronger than ever. There are lessons to learn for any company going through a crisis.
Relationships strategies and structures are changing by Jeffrey K. Rapid-Fire Fulfillment by Kasra Ferdows, Michael A. Lewis, and Jose A.D.
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