Golovej Ribalko Praktikum Po Vozrastnoj Psihologii Pdf

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The article presents the results of elaboration of revised Russian version of the Preschool Behavior Questionnaire by L. Was drawn up a questionnaire for teachers and parents, as a result of task selection. This version includes 15 items which describe common emotional and behavioral problems of preschool children. Approbation of this version was realized in the sample of 480 children of the age of 3-6 years old, each of them was assessed by preschool teacher and mother.

The results of confirmatory factor analysis confirm three factors structure of questionnaire, which include correlated factors of aggressiveness, anxiety and hyperactivity. The internal consistency of scales is good (Cronbach’s alpha are 0.71–0.85). The preliminary data proving validity of the aggressiveness and hyperactivity scales are obtained.

The percentile norms for estimation of test results are provided. The obtained results lead us to conclusion that this questionnaire may be used for screening of emotional and behavioral problems in preschool children although validity of anxiety scale needs further research. References • Benevol'skaja T.B. Diagnostika agressivnyh projavlenij v starshem doshkol'nom vozraste [Diagnostics of Aggressive Behaviour Patterns in Preschool Children].

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  • понедельник 08 октября
  • 78