Get Hard Drive Serial Number Delphi

Do The code you writen get manufatctor serial number and no body can clone it on other PC and it is Safe! Or what I do ( write in 1st Q? Thanks, //-------------------------------- function GetDiskSerialNumber(Disk: char): string; var VolumeSerialNumber, MaximumComponentLength, FileSystemFlags: DWORD; SerialNumber: string; begin GetVolumeInformation(PChar(Disk + ': '), nil, 0, @VolumeSerialNumber, MaximumComponentLength, FileSystemFlags, nil, 0); SerialNumber:= Format('%.4X-%.4X', [HiWord(VolumeSerialNumber), LoWord(VolumeSerialNumber)]); Result:= SerialNumber; end; Please give a point. beginner! Thanks to all, Alikhany ( ) Just my 2 (Euro) cents to the topic. The routines based on GetVolumeInformation is not reliable to identify a PC, as it gives you the number, the disk got while formating it.
Govoryaschie ruki tematicheskij slovarj zhestovogo yazika gluhih rossii. In the area of plate books from Russia and Eastern Europe, NYPL's few peers outside of Russia include, in addition to the Library of Congress and Harvard's Fogg Art Museum Library, the Hoover Institution's 'vault' collection, the University of Southern California's Institute of Modern Russian Culture, the Hillwood Museum Library, and the Helsinki University Library.
If you use a disk image program (DiskImage, Nortom Ghost) to clone the drive, you will have 2 drives with identical information. Plus this information can be changed by software.
Okay, direct disk access or fumbling with a disk editor is not for everyone but I'm sure there are some programs to be found on the net. IMHO the method that uses SMART technology is more reliable as it accesses the serialnumber and information the HDD manufacturer gave the drive and that is sored in hardware. Not sure if they can be changed by software. But be aware: we had one case of changing data on a Win2000 laptop after switching of without shutdown - it did the Scandisk on boot and voila - the data changed.
Dec 24, 2014 - Delphi, how to get serial number of hard disk where installed application. GetVolumeInformation(PChar(drive + ' '), VolumeName, Max_path,.
Agriculture is significant in the eastern steppe, on which considerable acreages were plowed under the Soviet regime’s Virgin and Idle Lands Campaign of the 1950s. On the basis of the minerals, large-scale heavy industry has developed, with iron and steel plants in, city (the administrative headquarters),, Satka, and Asha and a wide range of heavy- and medium-engineering industries in many towns. Serious depletion of local iron ores in the 1960s led to their importation from Kazakhstan and also from the Magnetic of and Kursk oblasti; coking coal is brought from Qaraghandy in Kazakhstan. The is also important. Wheat is the main crop, but potatoes and other vegetables are grown in quantity for the towns.
So it may be unique, but is not 100% stable HTH ) Verence.
- четверг 27 декабря
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