Free Download Neurology Img Friendly Residency Programs List Programs

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IMG Friendly Internal Medicine Residency Programs List: With Comprehensive Match Selection Criteria and Programs Requirements [IMG Guide, Applicant Guide] on Customized Residency Programs. (USCE) requirements, or specific ECFMG Certification deadlines. If you are an IMG, your Customized List will be IMG Friendly, guaranteed. By seeing programs have interviewed candidates like you, you have an exclusive insider’s.
I want to share the list I made when I chose which programs to apply. I made this back in the summer of 2013. It took me around 2 months. I checked the websites of the 187 programs listed for psychiatry. Not all of them are included in this list because it was pretty obvious I wouldn´t apply to them.
Either because they are “exclusive” schools (You won´t find Yale or Harvard), they had ridiculous requirements listed on the website (proof that you are going back to you country once you finish residency), or a mayor red flag (like mentioning no IMGs accepted). I didn´t include California because I didn´t have time to apply for that letter or whatever it is that they need. This list was made based on what it was important for me: • IMG friendly which I measured it by the amount of IMGs that are currently residents.
I also mention if they don´t sponsor visas. • I have very low USMLE scores so I needed to know if they had a cutoff point. • I haven´t taken step3 and some programs require or prefer that IMGs have already pass it. • US Clinical experience (USCE).
When I made the list my USCE wasn´t much so I needed to know if this would exclude me. • I also listed if the program has a geriatrics fellowship because that is my area of most interest, but I really don´t mind if the program doesn´t have it. • There were some programs that specify that the LORs had to come from a psychiatrist, I mention most of them. • I copied the link of where I got the info in case I needed to consult it again. In the end I applied to 76 programs from this list on September 15, 2013.
Because a lot of the programs didn´t have all the info I wanted I emailed them. Some didn´t answer, but I filled the list with the info I got from the ones that did. By November I had gotten one interview and tons of rejection letters so I started emailing program directors. That is why you may see them listed with their contact info which was found online (hope no privacy issues here). After the first round of emails I got 2 interviews more and after the second round of emails (at the end of December) I got 2 more to complete a total of 5. I want to make clear that this list is not accurate.
It was made before application season started so many programs had not updated their websites. I went through 187 websites!

I probably made tons of mistakes. I did not listed if step 2 CS needed to be passed on first attempt only because I had passed it, but I do remember a lot of programs that make it explicit that Step 2 CS needs to be passed on first attempt. When I wrote this list I made it for myself and now that I am proof reading it to publish it I have to say I can´t remember if the cut off score were just for step 1 or step 1 and 2. In many programs I didn´t record how many attempts they allow applicants to have because, again, I passed all in first attempt. If I had thought I was going to publish this list I would have done it differently. It was a lot of work but I tried to edit it as much as possible so you guys can find it useful. The programs are listed by state.
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