Dry Cracked Skin On Foreskin

Dry foreskin is a common male problem so at least you’re not alone. I know that many men (or couples, like in your case) find lubricants enough to solve this problem. Unfortunately, as you say, it is not enough for you. What lubricants have you been using??? Maybe you should try with different ones??? Also, you could pay a visit to your GP to give you the best solution because there are many different lubricants for different skin types, uses, etc I think that lubricant will be solution but you only have to find the right one.
I hope I helped at least a bit. I'm 30 years old and I had the same problem. Cracking and dry skin. No problem getting an erection, very little problem with oral sex, but initating vaginal sex, OUCH!!! We, my wife and I, went to see the pharmist (no insurance/health care), and I explained the problem and my thoughts as to what it was.
Mar 21, 2018 A dry skin on penis, penile shaft, penile head (glans) or foreskin may be an indication of various health or skin conditions. Mostly, the skin appears white or red, bumpy, scaly and flaky. Click Here Now for EXTRA SPECIAL DISCOUNT + VERY DISCREET PACKAGING + FREE SHIPPING!
Cl studio torrent. It had the exact same symptoms as my athleats foot. The pharmistist directed me to some OTC Tolnaftate. 2 days later, oh man, that's the best sex ever.
I had a feeling it was athleats foot because think about it, pull your underware over your feet, then to your johnson, same symptoms, dry red skin. I'm going to call this athleats johnson. Fickett wrote: I'm a 39 year old male and for the last 3-4 years I've experienced a drying out of the foreskin. Due to that problem my wife and I have been using lubricants to help during intercourse (if not doing so there was a very real chance for foreskin to brake). But, sometimes, even with lots of lubrication, the skin around my penis and foreskin gets these little cuts. If she performs oral sex on me is not so problematic.
Is this normal? What can I do to prevent this? I found that putting neosporin on the dry and cut area works alright. I did this a few years ago and it went away just fine, but i have recently broken out again with dry skin and open cuts, and now neosporin doesnt work. My skin is so dry now that i can even pull back my foreskin since it has sealed itself. Going to the bathroom opens a small hole, but that seals itself again. Anyone have suggestions?
As for the itchiness that was mentioned earlier, under no circumstances should you itch or have any form of sexual activity. Irritating the itchy area is how i got the situation above. Guys i have had the problem of a dry foreskin for the past year, and experienced the cuts on the tip etc etc, i went to see my doctor last week and he got me some cream called dermovate or clovate cream and this has worked perfect, no more dry skin at all - no more cuts more importantly and the dry skin has completely gone and its back to a good sex life again! Guys, this cream has been ace! Ask your Dr about dermovate, as when he was telling me - all the cuts never getting chance to heal its all one vicious circle - this cream has put a stop to that!
Hope this helps guys! From experience, my two cents: If you've ruled out an infection of some kind (a fungal infection is most likely), try putting vitamine E oil on it. I did that for some time, then stopped because it was better, but then started again when the splitting returned. It works, and after a week or so you can sometimes actually rub off some dead skin (do this while the skin is damp) so that your penis feels as good as new.
If you have a recurring fungal infection down there, you'd do well to eat probiotic yogurt on a regular basis. This will increase the bacteria count at the tip of your penis and help control / prevent fungal infections. Also, keep the area beneath your forskin free of dampness, as fungus loves dark and damp conditions (vit E oil doesn't count as 'damp').
Pull it back and blow dry after showering, and I go so far as to dab myself dry with toilet paper after taking a leak. It makes a difference. Finally, I find that after splitting has occurred by sex or otherwise, using polysporin ointment (ointment will not be washed off with urine, so get it over the cream version) speeds up the healing process nicely. Use it until your forskin no longer hurts to pull back, then switch to vitamine E oil. If I don't have vitamine E oil on about 12 hours before sex, I'm likely to be in pain later. So just do it every morning.
It's no big deal, and the oil lasts for like ever, since you only need a bit. Hope that helps guys. Keep the good sex-a-comin'.
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