Deadlands Reloaded The Flood Pdf Editor

Recommend Documents. A map pack for Deadlands Reloaded: The flood. We are going to use the Bathymetry Editor to process xyz survey data to.
Doubt mary j blige lyrics. Price: $14.99 Pinnacle Entertainment Group launched another in the line of their flagship setting,. This release contains all the information you need to generate a character, from concept to creation. Deadlands is a genre mashup of the Wild West, Horror, and Steampunk settings called the Weird West.
It features card shark spell casters, mad scientist inventing infernal devices, quick draw gun men, fire and brimstone preachers that can call down actual fire and brimstone, and native American shamans on first name basis with their nature spirits. Oh, and lots of Kung-fu action as well. The eight-time, award-winning setting began as it's own rule set back in 1996. It's been ported to d20 and GURPs, and finally settled into the Savage Worlds system with Deadlands:Reloaded. The most recent rule books, and, come in the oh-so-convenient explorer's edition format. So what makes the Weird West so weird?
Perhaps a little alternate history is in order. The Civil War ground on and on as brother fought against brother. As in our history, Lee lost at Gettysburg but that's where the world of Deadlands diverges from our own. Lee's men escaped to regroup and continue the fight. Some say dead soldiers rose and fired at the Union troops covering Lee’s retreat. I’m sure that’s just an old wive’s tale though. From that point forward, despite the Union's greater number of men and guns, no battle on either side was decisive.
Eventually the two American Nations formed a wary truce. Sensing Union weakness, the Western territories broke away with the Native Americans forming two nations: the Sioux Nations to the North and the Coyote Confederation to the South. The Mormons turned Utah into the nation of Deseret, and California (at least what’s left of it) became an independent Commonwealth. The Great Quake of ‘68 sank huge portions of California into the Pacific Ocean leaving a patchwork of mesas standing above the sea.
Folks took to calling it 'The Maze'. The shattered land revealed a new mineral that gained the name ‘Ghost Rock’. It looked like coal but, when burned, gave off a ghostly white vapor and howled ‘like the Devil himself.’ Ghost Rock burned five times hotter and 100 times longer than coal.
Inventors soon discovered the Ghost Rock could be used in place of to create a steel that was lighter, stronger, and had a higher melting point than traditional steel. This lead to an explosion in engineering advances such as horseless carriages, rocket powered flying machines, and fully automatic weapons all made of Ghost Steel. The rock was also used as a catalyst and reagent to create new chemical concoctions including tonics, salves, and elixirs. The Confederacy was the first to make use of the new devices in war.
The Army of Northern Virginia, under the command of Robert E. Lee, attacked Washington D. With steam powered tanks, flamethrowers, and other exotic devices.
The attack was so devastating that the Confederates temporarily seized the Union Capitol. The Confederate devices soon malfunctioned and their supply of Ghost Rock ran out but President Ulysses S. Grant realized that future wars would be fought with the power of the miracle mineral. Although Ghost Rock deposits were numerous, the greatest source was in the California Maze.
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