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Write something about yourself. No need to be fancy, just an overview. No Archives Categories. 33081 THE PRESIDENCY DIE PRESIDENSIE ———— ———— No. 264 31 March 2010 No. 264 31 Maart 2010 It is hereby notified that the President has assented to the following Act, which is hereby published for general informa-tion:— Hierby word bekend gemaak dat die President sy goedkeuring geheg het aan die onderstaande Wet wat.
The goal of the research is to explore the personality profile of aggressive victims of bullying in a special school. Qualitative, applied research of an explorative and descriptive nature was followed. In order to address the problem, namely that the personality profile of children can lead to aggressive victims, the researcher undertook a literature study to describe bullying in middle childhood with the focus on aggressive victims, the Five Factor Model of Personality, bullying in special schools and organismic selfregulation within Gestalt therapy. The researcher's knowledge of the Five Factor Model of Personality enabled her to compile the interview schedules for the semi-structured interviews. Purposeful sampling was conducted to identify respondents for the interviews.
Brothers conflict otome game english download. The interviews were conducted with four aggressive victims of bullying, their parents, as well as their class teachers. During the analysis of data, themes were identified. These themes were verified with literature and recommendations were made.
- суббота 11 мая
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