360mpgui V1130exe

If the 360mpgui v1.0.9.2.exe is an important executable file for you, you can choose to reinstall the associated program on your PC, it is possible that the program has been corrupted.
Product Attributes Select All Categories Manufacturer Nexperia USA Inc. Series - Packaging Cut Tape (CT) Part Status Active Diode Type Schottky Voltage - DC Reverse (Vr) (Max) 60V Current - Average Rectified (Io) 3A Voltage - Forward (Vf) (Max) @ If 475mV @ 3A Speed Fast Recovery = 200mA (Io) Reverse Recovery Time (trr) 20ns Current - Reverse Leakage @ Vr 400µA @ 60V Capacitance @ Vr, F 575pF @ 1V, 1MHz Mounting Type Surface Mount Package / Case SOD-128 Supplier Device Package SOD-128/CFP5 Operating Temperature - Junction 175°C (Max).
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